Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

366 Flashes of Awesome: Day 4

You’re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.
● Walt Disney

This basically represents my standard modus operandi – tooling around on Vespa. Note the Splash Mountain t-shirt. Yeah, I’m stylin’.

We reached 83 degrees today! I attempted to contain my glee whilst flicking between the temperature in Mequon and Orlando. Never enjoyed a white Christmas, and find myself infinitely preferring the glowing yellow variant.


Friday, December 23, 2011

366 Flashes of Awesome: Day 3

You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.

Extremely productive day! Chip in full-out holiday regalia high-fived me, his striped Peppermint scarf swinging gleefully. We hit the Frontierland Shootin’ Arcade, wherein I nailed my favorite prompted animation, the ghost galloping across the clouds. And after a relatively short twenty-minute wait, we hopped aboard the Buzz Lightyear ride in Tomorrowland, which we have not frequented since my partner-in-DNA barely reached my elbow. Behold the obligatory Castle shot – would that you could vicariously experience the peace and contentment via jpeg. Ah, well. A patent for another time.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

366 Flashes of Awesome: Day 2

I’m tired of taking, I want to make things. I want to add something to this world.
● Remy, Ratatouille

At the risk of qualifying ourselves as veritable hillbillies, we raided the local Lowe’s for white lights, extension cords and power strips to adorn the bushes in our backyard. Naturally, we also hauled out the massive latter to scale our twin twenty-four-foot palm trees and swirl them in luminescent bulbs. Excuse the travesty of a light display on the bushes – we need to acquire some additional supplies tomorrow. But, it’s a start. Oh, and by the way – we initiated the project at 9pm EST. In 74 degrees. Hee.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

366 Flashes of Awesome - Day 1

Without inspiration, we would perish.
● Walt Disney

We have returned! Amidst a blaze of glory. Or something.

The internet consistently told me to go bleep myself this morning. Both of Remy’s back tires have stubbornly refused to maintain proper inflation for any considerable period. The QuickBooks file for one of my companies elected not to backup onto a zip drive. Almost every single employee reported some variant of crisis for the four hours I worked this morning. We careened out the door purportedly late to encounter a vacant security checkpoint and ninety minutes of blank space prior to departure. On the plane, I wound up in front of an egregiously sonorous yapper saddled with an extraordinarily heinous Wisconsin accent, and across the aisle from a Jewish woman who seemed bent on emitting vociferous complaints about this, that and the other thing nobody else cared about, both of whom scarcely paused for breath amidst the monologues to which their hapless seatmates were subjected (“It’s like your worst nightmare!” Dad noted, busting into laughter at random intervals.) After all that, I half expected the plane to deposit us unceremoniously in the backwoods of Tennessee. But, we have arrived. And I can express naught except gratitude.

My goodness. At 10pm, it remains a balmy 67, poised for record-high temperatures in the 80s tomorrow. Life, I love thee.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

One More Time!

No one knows,
They can never get that close;
Guesses, at most.
● J. Mitchell

Please excuse and accept my perfunctory apology for the rather considerable gap between posts. I allowed the banalities of life to distract me from the two great loves of my life, art and writing, and have a massive expanse of blank blog space, a completely aggravating ache in my upper back, and a general sense of wasted time as the castigating repercussions.

However, I also managed to completely overhaul my vocation and achieve two of my few Major Life Goals by purchasing both an Audi and a house in Orlando, so perhaps I did manage to employ the downtime wisely.