Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Dizziness of Freedom Is Intoxicating

I had not realized how far my psyche had progressed from this point two years ago. Perhaps it’s due to my abandonment of the attorney lifestyle. Perhaps it’s attributable to my sheer will and determination. But I seem to have emerged from the darkness.

Now the official in-house counsel and CFO of a concert venue. No more clients. No more court rooms. No more suits. No more suicidal tendencies. No more rat race. No opposing counsel eyeing my rear end like a slice of turkey. No visiting clients in prison on holidays.

I’m FREE. As of now, I’m a free attorney-turned-businessman.

Sometimes it just hits me: this is my life, and I can do whatever I want.

Isn’t it marvelous?

I should have done this two years ago.